“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.”
(Romans 1:16)
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.”
(John 1:16)
Pastor Randall was born in Santa Barbara, California. He has three older brothers; Anthony, Bruce, and Sam “Bam” Cunningham who played for 10 years in the NFL with the New England Patriots. After becoming an All-American football player at UNLV, Randall played 16 seasons in the NFL, starting with the Philadelphia Eagles. He would later play for the Minnesota Vikings, the Baltimore Ravens, and the Dallas Cowboys. In May of 1993 Pastor Randall married his lovely wife Felicity De Jager of Johannesburg South Africa. They are the proud parents of five children.
During the 1996 season with the Philadelphia Eagles, Pastor Randall met Pastor Troy Johnson whom he would spend significant quality time with and would ultimately become a valuable mentor. “During my time off from playing ball, I wanted a relationship with someone who would teach me accountability, and as I spent quality time with Troy, I learned, hands-on, that being a servant of God meant more than simply referring to myself as a Christian. Pastor Troy constantly poured truth into my life, teaching me consecration, the importance of fasting, and how to use my time wisely seeking after the heart of God. Pastor Troy was divinely appointed to challenge me to go deeper in the things of the spirit.” – Pastor Randall
After spending a year-and-a-half away from professional football, traveling, evangelizing, and sharing his testimony, Randall would return to the NFL to play quarterback for the Minnesota Vikings. It was during his time with the Vikings that he met then Team Chaplain, Reverend Keith Johnson. Keith, who is the founder of C.A.U.S.E (Christian Athletes United for Spiritual Empowerment), impacted Randall and Felicity so significantly that they made the decision to join his ministry and become members of its Board of Directors.
In 1998 Randall achieved Most Valuable Player honors in the NFL; his 3rd time doing so in 13 years, and it was during the 1998 off-season that he began an intimate bible study in his Las Vegas home. Six years later this impromptu bible study would become what is now Remnant Ministries; A Multi-Cultural Christian Fellowship.
After spending 8 years under the direction of Pastor John Michaels, senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Spring Valley, Randall was ordained a pastor. “It was a long time coming. I was told I would be a pastor when I was a child. It was a prophetic message that has now come to fruition. I love people, and desperately want to see them come to know Christ. My desire is to pour out all that God pours into me. By doing so the heart of Jesus will be felt, and many will come to know the Savior of the world. It was He who gave His life as a ransom for all who would believe in His name. As long as we remain heavenly minded, He will accomplish His will through us.” – Pastor Randall
Come join us and experience the love of God through our ministry. We are a non-denominational, multicultural fellowship that believes Jesus receives all who repent and believe in Him.
Felicity Cunningham was born in Johannesburg, South Africa. The middle daughter of three girls to her parents, she grew up loving to perform and dance.
Her gift of dance began at age six at City Ballet School in her hometown and she continued on to receive her Solo Seal Certificate while attending the University of Cape Town.
At the age of seventeen, to further her career she moved to Canada and studied at the National Ballet School. It was not long before she took another major step in her life and moved to the “big apple” where she joined up with Arthur Mitchell’s Dance Theater of Harlem. Performing as a professional worldwide in world-renowned theaters her experience proved to be principle and soloist status.
Married at twenty-six to NFL great and now senior Pastor of Remnant Ministries Church International, Randall Cunningham and Felicity serve as the church founders and leaders.
Their lives have been enriched and they feel blessed to have five wonderful children.
From professional ballet to becoming a dedicated woman of God to her family, church and community she is an ordained pastor and teacher to the women at Remnant Ministries Church and speaks at various women’s events.
Her desire to dance has not gone away, she is the founder and director of
“A Time To Dance”, a liturgical and praise dance performing arts company.
Felicity is also the co-host of a Christian women’s television talk show
“A View From Above”
“She is a woman of integrity not only on stage but in life”
Quotes her husband Randall.
As a means to help spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and reach out to Spanish speakers in the community, we offer worship and service in Spanish every Sunday at 12:30PM led by Pastor Efren Santiago.
Como un medio para ayudar a difundir la Buena Nueva de Jesucristo, para llegar a los hablantes de español en la comunidad, ofrecemos culto y el servicio en español, cada domingo en 13:00. El ministerio es conducido por Pastor Efren Santiago.
As a means to help spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and reach out to Spanish speakers in the community, we offer worship and service in Spanish every Sunday at 12:30PM led by Pastor Efren Santiago.
Como un medio para ayudar a difundir la Buena Nueva de Jesucristo, para llegar a los hablantes de español en la comunidad, ofrecemos culto y el servicio en español, cada domingo en 13:00. El ministerio es conducido por Pastor Efren Santiago.
As a means to help spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and reach out to Spanish speakers in the community, we offer worship and service in Spanish every Sunday at 12:30PM led by Pastor Efren Santiago.
Como un medio para ayudar a difundir la Buena Nueva de Jesucristo, para llegar a los hablantes de español en la comunidad, ofrecemos culto y el servicio en español, cada domingo en 13:00. El ministerio es conducido por Pastor Efren Santiago.
As followers of Christ we are ALL called to be ministers of the “gospel!” At Remnant Ministries love to share the “good news” whenever we have an opportunity. We hope that you will join us by sharing our website with others as we continue to reach those in need with the life-changing and living word of the triune God!
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